
Showing posts from July, 2022

Education and Human Capital Development in Africa

Hello Africa, Education is the most powerful transformative force to build the world of tomorrow. It is the  very essence of achieving sustainable economic development. Education raise people’s productivity,  innovation, and creativity and promotes technological advancement. Many scholars of human development, agree that education, in every sense, is one of the fundamental factors of development. Source: Education Finance Watch 2022, World Bank Group Africa has been grappling with the consequences of low human capital, with a  huge population, she has experienced low levels of skills and institutional development. Most resource-rich developing countries of Africa lack the necessary expertise to build the required human capital for productivity growth. Harbison (1973) indicates that human capital formation is the process of acquiring and increasing the number of persons who have the needed skills, education and experience which are critical for the economic and political development of

Rising Social and Economic Inequality in Africa

Hello Africa Social and economic inequality have been identified as the major cause of social issues, and societal troubles and challenges in Africa. Some scholars see inequality as a positive and fair outcome and feel that as long as people are able to live a just and decent life, inequality is not a problem to the society. The argument is that the best way to make unequal things equal is to completely breakdown the fabric of the society, by eliminating the wealth of the rich and make everyone poor. Inequality is characterized by the existence of unequal rewards for the different social classes and positions within individuals or society. Inequality includes recurring models of unequal allocation of goods, opportunities, and incentives. Social inequality includes the existence of unequal rewards and opportunities for varied classes and social groups or society.     Inequality in Africa: Source, World Bank (2018) The most used method of economic inequality is the Gini Coefficient